29.12.2023 | Participation in Capital Increase of a Subsidiary |
25.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 25.12.2023 |
22.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 22.12.2023 |
21.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 21.12.2023 |
20.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 20.12.2023 |
19.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 19.12.2023 |
18.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 18.12.2023 |
13.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 13.12.2023 |
12.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 12.12.2023 |
11.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 11.12.2023 |
07.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 07.12.2023 |
06.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 06.12.2023 |
05.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 05.12.2023 |
04.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 04.12.2023 |
01.12.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 01.12.2023 |
27.11.2023 | Liquidation of our Subsidiary ÜNLÜ Alternative Asset Mngt Ltd. |
27.11.2023 | Company General Information Form |
27.11.2023 | About the Application for Amendment of Articles of Association |
07.11.2023 | Company General Information Form |
02.11.2023 | 3Q2023 Investor Presentation and Revised Guidance for 2023 Year End |
02.11.2023 | Statement of Responsibility |
02.11.2023 | 3Q2023 Board of Directors Activity Report |
02.11.2023 | 3Q2023 Consolidated Financials |
01.11.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 01.11.2023 |
26.10.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 26.10.2023 |
19.10.2023 | Amendment to the Articles of Association |
16.10.2023 | Board Decision on Share Buy-Back Program |
06.10.2023 | Company General Information Form |
28.08.2023 | JCR Corporate Credit Rating Update |
21.08.2023 | Participation Finance Principles Information Form |
17.08.2023 | About the transfer of "Piapiri" and "Piapiri ÜNLÜ&Co" brands of our Subsidiary ÜNLÜ Menkul Değerler A.Ş. to ÜNLÜ Yazılım ve Teknoloji Hizmetleri A.Ş. and establishing a license on the brands |
16.08.2023 | 2Q2023 Investor Presentation and Guidance for 2023 Year End |
16.08.2023 | 2Q2023 Financials and Activity Report Statement of Responsibility |
16.08.2023 | 2Q2023 Activity Report |
16.08.2023 | 2Q2023 Consolidated Financials |
16.08.2023 | Notification Regarding End of Share Buy-Back Program |
20.07.2023 | Redemption of Bond with ISIN TRFUNCO72318 |
17.07.2023 | Notification Regarding Debt Instrument Issue Limit Approval |
14.07.2023 | Debt Instrument Issue Document |
04.07.2023 | 2022 Sustainability Report |
26.05.2023 | Participation in the Capital Increase of the Subsidiary |
24.05.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 24.05.2023 |
23.05.2023 | Evaluation Report on the Assumptions Based on the Determination of the Public Offering Price |
16.05.2023 | Board Decision on Share Buy-Back Program |
15.05.2023 | Notification Regarding End of Share Buy-Back Program |
15.05.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 15.05.2023 |
10.05.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 10.05.2023 |
09.05.2023 | 1Q2023 Financial Results and Investor Presentation |
09.05.2023 | 1Q2023 Financials and Activity Report Statement of Responsibility |
09.05.2023 | 1Q2023 Activity Report |
09.05.2023 | 1Q2023 Consolidated Financials |
04.05.2023 | Determination of Independent Audit Firm |
04.05.2023 | Registration of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the year 2022 |
03.05.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 03.05.2023 |
02.05.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 02.05.2023 |
28.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 28.04.2023 |
27.04.2023 | Approval of the Independent Audit Firm by the General Assembly |
27.04.2023 | Approval of dividend distribution decision at the 2022 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting |
27.04.2023 | 2022 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting results |
26.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 26.04.2023 |
25.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 25.04.2023 |
20.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 20.04.2023 |
17.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 17.04.2023 |
07.04.2023 | Board Decision on Issuance of Debt Instrument |
04.04.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 04.04.2023 |
31.03.2023 | 2022 Ordinary General Assembly Date and Agenda |
31.03.2023 | Notification Regarding Dividend Distribution |
31.03.2023 | Determination of the Independent Audit Firm for 2023 |
28.03.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 28.03.2023 |
24.03.2023 | Issuance of Debt Instrument to Qualified Investers |
21.03.2023 | Evaluation Report on the Assumptions Based on the Determination of the Public Offering Price |
10.03.2023 | 2022 Annual Report Statement of Responsibility |
10.03.2023 | Annual Report (Consolidated) |
09.03.2023 | Sustainability Report |
09.03.2023 | Corporate Governance Compliance Report |
09.03.2023 | Corporate Governance Information Form |
09.03.2023 | Participation Finance Principles Information Form |
09.03.2023 | Company General Information Form |
08.03.2023 | 31.12.2022 Investor Relations Presentation |
08.03.2023 | 31.12.2022 Financial Report Responsibility Statement |
08.03.2023 | 31.12.2022 Financial Report |
08.03.2023 | Directors and Officers Liability Insurance |
07.03.2023 | Company General Information Form |
07.03.2023 | Change of Investor Relations Director |
17.02.2023 | Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back dated 17.02.2023 |
16.02.2023 | Board Decision on Share Buy-Back Program (Template Change) |
15.02.2023 | Notification Regarding Capital Market Instrument Transactions Other than Shares |
15.02.2023 | Board Decision on Share Buy-Back Program |
14.02.2023 | Company General Information Form |
14.02.2023 | Change of CFO |
13.02.2023 | About the Earthquake Disaster |