Non-Performing Loans
ÜNLÜ & Co started its operations in the market of Non-Performing Loans in 2003.
- İSTANBUL Varlık have invested more than ₺240 million to acquire 1 corporate, 1 bullet loan and 17 retail NPL portfolios.
- Amount of capital of NPL portfolios currently managed by İSTANBUL Varlık has reached up to ₺1.6 billion and number of debtors up to 295,000.

İSTANBUL Varlık considering capital of portfolios acquired from 10 different banks and financial institutions it manages, İSTANBUL Varlık is one of the major actors in Turkish NPL market.

With an experienced staff, successful legal procedures, powerful intelligence capabilities and specialization skills, DUFDAS has been successful at collection and settlement of debts of many commercial and corporate firms in its portfolio since 2005.

PLATO has over 200 employees to provide call center services, legal support, field works and legal tracking services under the same roof.